
The focus of innovation power and knowledge in agriculture and food production lies in the Foodvalley region. In the area of Food, the Arnhem-Nijmegen region explicitly collaborates with Wageningen and Foodvalley. Wageningen is the focal point in terms of innovation in Food with key players such as Wageningen University & Research (WUR), NIZO Food Research and Top Institute Food and Nutricion (TiFN). University of Applied Sciences Van Hall Larenstein in Velp is a good addition to this at the college level.

The Arnhem-Nijmegen region is attractive for hosting international food companies. Cluster development in the field of Food particularly means developing knowledge alliances and creating an attractive business climate for new companies. The focus within Lifeport is on the crossover between Food (food) and Health. Here, we focus on crossovers in food and health and high-tech applications in agri-food. The focus is on crossovers around ‘nutrition in care’ and ‘nutrition and cognition’.


Lifeport leads the way in:

  • Chip and digital technology innovations in food, agriculture, and health (OnePlanet);
  • Food and cognition.

NEXT garden

NEXTgarden, the development area for horticulture is located on the A15 motorway between Arnhem and Nijmegen. Here, entrepreneurs, knowledge institutions and governmental authorities are successfully collaborating on concrete initiatives that make the entire production chain smarter, more profitable, and sustainable.
The area has a size of 735 ha with 235 farms (with more than 2150 jobs) and has space and facilities for the expansion of existing greenhouse farms and the establishment of new ones. NEXTgarden houses major players operating in Europe and globally. A number of entrepreneurs choose to market part of their production locally and regionally and are successful in doing so.